Papercutting gurus unite! How cute is this...if I had the time, I would...but gotta go pack...
We'll be on our way to Ann Arbor this evening to celebrate the coming of a new year. Hip hip horray~!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas!
I hope everyone has a happy holiday! We added a hefty ornament to the christmas tree...big and black and furry...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
papercutting: Round 1
We had a secret santa at the office, and they had specified that it be a "handmade" gift. I had done this illustration of one of the girl's in the office (i manipulated a photo of her and made her look like a jazz singer), and since I coincidentally got her as my secret santa, I turned that illustration into a papercut piece. It turned out pretty good, considering I barely had any time to work on it. And of course, I conveniently had the perfect frame with mount too. Ah~ it's so good to have supplies on hand.
On another note, I recently purchased a gocco machine (print gocco, as it's called in Japan). OH WHAT fun I am going to have this weekend when my inks and screens arrive!
On another note, I recently purchased a gocco machine (print gocco, as it's called in Japan). OH WHAT fun I am going to have this weekend when my inks and screens arrive!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
they are friends again, hey!
Kuro and Simba are now officially BFForever. After their long fight over who will reign pride rock, they came to the conclusion that both could lead the wildlife of the safari, together, from the comforts of the couch.
The king later got irritated by the camera flash. 'no pictures' he says.
Here is the king of the land, happy, and sleepy.
The king later got irritated by the camera flash. 'no pictures' he says.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
It's feeling a little bit like Christmas...
I wasn't sure if I wanted to take out the Christmas tree this year, since I know that the kittens are going to be all over it. But what is the holidays without a tree? Now it's out, and we have so far learned that Kuro (the black one) likes to climb trees. go figure. I haven't caught him in action yet, but I hear the bell ornaments jingling now and again...Pictures of the tree, and Kuro munching on the fake branches.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I think I just found my new favorite scarf
I am sure you all know I'm a cat fan, but this hits the spot! Sausage dogs are funny...
Big Apple Sausage Dog Scarf from Kate Spade
Monday, November 30, 2009
eco-friendly lunch
I stumbled upon this website while pretend-shopping online (you know, where you put items in your cart but you don't end up buying anything) on Cyber Monday. I've always been a fan of plastic bags, but they are such a waste...what a cute alternative! The navy shark is my favorite print.
Lunch skins from 3greenmoms
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Gobble Gobble Day!
I hope everyone had a nice and stuffing Thanksgiving! We didn't do a turkey this year (it was just the two of us) but we decided to do a pseudo-thanksgiving dinner consisting of turkey burgers, stuffing, mashed potato, biscuits, and a HUGE spinach and mushroom salad. YUM. And in the course of eating this meal, we made these biscuit turkey burgers and highly recommend this with your leftover turkey and such. It's a combination of turkey (or turkey burger), mashed potato, stuffing with gravy, all sandwiched in the biscuit. You can't go was delicious! Happy Thanksgiving Leftover Day!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Lion King
I've had this Simba (from the Lion King) doll for, like, ever, and i took it out of the closet the other weekend. Of course the kittens would love a large lion puppet doll! So we decided to recreate the movie in our living room. I was a fantastic puppeteer.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I'm hoping time goes by real slow this weekend so i can maximize the time off and really relax. (ahhh~) Have a good weekend!
A sexy little number from Brevity
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Who's a Chuck fan?
That would be everyone, including myself. I saw this popping up around the internet, and i was searching for a site that actually SOLD them. But all i found were memorabilia (like on eBay)...not an actual store. darn. my husband could use a pair...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
**kitty kat korner** - hanging kuro 2
Here's another picture of Mr. chair-climber in action. I particularly like this photo cuz it's got nice colors, and the reflection of the lamp in the mirror is looking kinda neat and fancy. I am rather itching to get that oil-painting started up again (since so many have commented that I am being lazy for not finishing it), but oils are so messy...
Monday, November 16, 2009
**kitty kat korner** - hanging kuro
Kuro seems to like to hang on the side of the chair. In fact, he likes dangling 1/2 of his body off the back of the chair, and trying to catch his tail on the opposite side. It's easier that I show you...
He stays in this rather uncomfortable position and attacks his tail for at least 15 minutes. It's incredible this guy...making anything into a new exciting game.
He stays in this rather uncomfortable position and attacks his tail for at least 15 minutes. It's incredible this guy...making anything into a new exciting game.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
My Apologies!
I have been away from this blog for far too long, and I apologize! I have lots to share, but I have been such a busy bee as of late. Update: the Claire's freelance that began as primary vector drawings and production has turned into a hard-core illustration gig. Fantastic! I draw all day and At this point, I don't care if the company will use the art or not; it's a great portfolio boost!
So here today, I introduce you to something FANTASTIC. My husband found it over the weekend, and I have been humming this song ever since. I know there are a few that are just going to DIG THIS SHIT. Introducing Smoke on the Water, tokiwazu stylz!
So here today, I introduce you to something FANTASTIC. My husband found it over the weekend, and I have been humming this song ever since. I know there are a few that are just going to DIG THIS SHIT. Introducing Smoke on the Water, tokiwazu stylz!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Happy Monday!
How was everyone's Halloween? Hope it was fun. I, for one, sneaked around the house to avoid the trick-o-treaters because of my lack of candy in the house. I know..I'm horrible. But when you hand out candy it's ENDLESS! and on a first saturday in over a month without work..I just couldn't.
So instead, I was surfing and found this baby at the MoMa store. Now I post this because I have this same exact thing, and I got it at a dollar store in Japan! OUCH! Uber cute, but
So instead, I was surfing and found this baby at the MoMa store. Now I post this because I have this same exact thing, and I got it at a dollar store in Japan! OUCH! Uber cute, but
Pig cooking lid. Check out the price.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
**kitty kat korner** - kuro high above
There's a heat vent directly hitting the top of the kitchen cabinets, and that has been Kuro's favorite spot as of late. Actually, I have two cats staring down at me from above the cabinets as I do the dishes recently, kinda like this.
Monday, October 26, 2009
bag surfing
I've been searching for a nice bag - durable, clean lines, large enough to put all my things, but not too large that it get's heavy. It's quite hard once you start looking cuz there are SO MANY DAMN bags out there. But I think I found just the right one.
from Moop on Etsy!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
the best song ever
I have a real soft spot for inspirational African music (think Lion King). So when my husband bought Civilization 4 and started playing, I couldn't help notice the wonderful soundtrack. I am completely hooked on this song...and apparently, it's got quite a following. And here, I introduce to you, Baba Yetu, the main theme song from Civilization 4.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
new, obsessively cute bird planters
Pretty random objects has done it again.. super uber cute bird planters! I really need to get my hands on one of these. I think my office desk is definitely calling for some fine pottery and perhaps a small healthy cactus. just. adorable.
Bird planter from prettyrandomobjects
Monday, October 19, 2009
a resort sort of weekend...
Of course I mean Wii Resort. Anyone here a Nintendo fan? We just got our hands on the new Wii Resort game and the MotionPlus Sensor thingy for the controller. It's quite impressive actually. According to my husband, it feels so real 3-point shooting is actually hard. Though I beat his score the first time I played. Skillz baby, skillz. I wish I had more time to play, but that damn thing called work got in the way. Hoping to get a little more play in during the week!
from of course, the mighty Nintendo.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Friday Office
"Friday is the Perfect Day for an Office Riot" by the Centennial Society is a clever 16-page pamphlet illustrating what would happen if the office had a riot...and started a civilization inside the building. (hahaha) My husband and I were cracking up at it this morning and thinking....if only...if only. I personally like the women in the left corner swinging the mop. So much much emotion. Have a great friday!
From Gizmodo. The rest has MATURE content, so be advised--- OFFICE RIOT
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
**kitty kat korner** - new toy
I think it was last Thursday I got home from freelancing early, and decided I would not sit in front of the computer or turn on the TV. So what does one do? I decided to make a small catnip toy for the young'uns. It's the little green thing with a golden bell on it that Kuro is so adamantly playing with. I had some loose ribbon pieces I made into a little pouch, and stuffed it with catnip wrapped in a crinkled napkin. I'm glad they are enjoying it...though in hindsight I think they are way too young for catnip. Sensory overload = really jumpy cats.
Monday, October 12, 2009
pho masta
I have this weird habit of making nice dishes for dinner when I am super busy. Maybe cooking is theraputic...maybe it's the sense of using a different part of my brain while being away from the computer. Whatever the case, I decided to make some authentic Vietnamese pho last week. Broth from scratch! It sounds like a project, but you just let beef bones simmer on low heat for...ever. It doesn't take much effort other than keeping an eye on it so it doesn't overboil. Hungry much? My husband couldn't keep his hands out of the picture is how hungry he was. And rightfully so, it was delish!!
Yum! Here's the site I was looking at when making it. Though I did some things, and I omitted others...
Yum! Here's the site I was looking at when making it. Though I did some things, and I omitted others...
Thursday, October 8, 2009
here it is again...
And might I add I'm not going around looking for them...they just appear...everywhere!! I think it's due time to make a moustache papercut soon...
Moustache Bandages from Urban Outfitters
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
You're right, it is handsome.
Very nice and clean (web) storefront. cute stuff. mustachios all over the place! I'm telling you, it's an up and coming trend...
from Handsome Howard
Friday, October 2, 2009
papercutting: Famille Summberbelle
They have done it again. And this time New York! These things are huge! Oh to be able to get my hands on one of these...
'tis a rainy friday, but at least it's the weekend! Have a good one!
'tis a rainy friday, but at least it's the weekend! Have a good one!
New York Papercut from Famille Summberbelle
Here's Paris & London
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Check this out. What a delicious looking cup 'o joe! If you jump to the link, there's some fun stuff on the website.
I especially like the $5 box of crap...
I especially like the $5 box of crap...
The Toilet Mug from
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
this is what i'll be missing...
So I got this in-house freelance gig starting today @ Claire's. (yeah work!) OH the fun of being surrounded with tween girl merchandise. That said, since my body is not used to this 9-5 grind, I may be slow with the updating. On top of missing out on stuff like this at
kuro napping on a nice sunny day
Monday, September 28, 2009
**kitty kat korner** - kuro in a bag
I think our poor kitty wanted to tag along with us on our weekend trip to Ann Arbor..
(this was taken thursday afternoon). Unfortunately he wasn't allowed to come...I think he was a bit upset.
(this was taken thursday afternoon). Unfortunately he wasn't allowed to come...I think he was a bit upset.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
**kitty kat korner** - headless kitties
Bare with me as I take my first stab at video editing...
We'll be heading out of town this weekend, so this'll be the last post for this week. Enjoy!
We'll be heading out of town this weekend, so this'll be the last post for this week. Enjoy!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
say "ahh~"
I was at a friend's house when I spotted this fun laundry hamper. And of course I got home and started searching for it online, but alas, it doesn't seem to be sold anywhere! (Originally from Home Decorators). So I gave up and was looking around the HD website, when I spotted this bad boy. I might like him just as much as the fish. And on sale!
Wicker Frog Hamper from Home Decorators
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
**kitty kat korner** - box 'o cats
Like they don't have enough beds already. I had some extra plastic containers so was organizing some bed sheets, and I walk away for a few minutes and this is what happens...And they're all like "wha~t??"
Monday, September 21, 2009
Artist intro: Allison Rose
Unfortunately this weekend was filled with work (and Sunday rain), and I wasn't able to do much. (boo) So reminiscing on a better weekend is due for my soul. Last weekend was beautiful weather and chock full of fun. We headed down to the Renegade Craft Fair held in Chicago, where we were surrounded by nice arts and crafts. Let me introduce you to the bestest of them all - Blue Thimble!
Pictures from Blue Thimble booth @ Renegade
Designed and hand crafted by Allison Rose, Blue Thimble is the place to buy some awesome silkscreen pillows, prints, bags, scarves...what have you! Bright poppy colors and well-designed cute characters are a theme to her work. There's a beautiful watercolor quality to her art, as she blends and mixes colors in her silkscreen. As if that wasn't enough, Allison takes the time to sew her beautiful art into animated pillows using some darn cute fabric.
Friday, September 18, 2009
**kitty kat korner** - concentrating kuro

Have a good weekend!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
cute cute CUTE!
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